Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sophie loses a tooth

The baby girl finally lost her first tooth. It had been loose for months, it seemed, and finally came out late one night as we were brushing teeth. She was reluctant to let me take her picture and first but finally relented.

Friday, April 09, 2010


The kids enjoyed the spring afternoon yesterday and played on their swing set. They're getting so big.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tattoo You

Sophie got out the markers tonight (thankfully, the non-permanent type) and proceeded to give her little brother some tattoos. I think we've been hanging out with Jon Singletary too much.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Random pictures

Our babies played hard this day.

Sophie and Daddy went to see the Biscuit Brothers at the Waco library a couple of weeks ago.

If you look closely, you can see a little girl hidden there amongst the pillows.

Swim lessons

Sophie and Brazos took swimming lessons last week from Sandy Back. We met Sandy and her husband Andy many, many years ago when we all attended Stonegate Community Church. The kids did great in the water. They both swam underwater...not very far, but at least they did it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brazos' big-boy bed

Brazos finally moved out of his toddler bed into a big-boy bed. Sophie was a little jealous at first because his bed is bigger than hers. (He has a full size; hers is a twin.) She wanted to sleep in Brazos' bed the first night it was in his room, but we put her off for a while They finally did spend the night in it together once.

Christmas 2008

Sophie and her big girl cousins.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween 2008

As is our custom, we went trick-or-treating through a couple of the dorms at Baylor. Though it was hard to top last year's costumes of Little Bo Peep and her lost sheep, Abby outdid herself once again. We had two little bikers this year....complete with tattoos. We hope they're temporary.

Neither child was sure about this Spiderperson. Sophie kept saying, "Spiderman!" But it sure sounded like a girl's voice behind the mask. I think they got confused.
Waiting for the elevator.

San Antonio

We spent a recent weekend in San Antonio with our friends Roz and Dave. We met them when we all lived in Little Rock, and they moved back to Texas about the same time we did. Their kids -- Courtney, Jacob and Kayla -- were great with our young 'uns, and even let us go out for a grown-ups only meal. We ate at Rosario's, our favorite restaurant in San Antonio.

On Saturday, we went through the Natural Bridge Wildlife Farm. We fed some animals from the car and then went into the petting cage.

Brazos and Sophie in front of Roz and Dave's house.
This is Jacob.

Sophie and Kayla feeding some critter in the drive-through park.

Sophie and Brazos loved this baby goat.
This is Roz. Roz doesn't like goats.

These are our friends, Roz and Dave. They were great hosts.